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Scaffolding for Information Literacy: Scaffolding

What is Scaffolding in Education?

Scaffolding in education is the process by which temporary supports are put into place for learners to assist them in completing assignments and meeting goals. Information Literacy, according to the AAC&U, is "the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share that information for the problem at hand."

Educational Scaffolding pertaining to Information Literacy allows educators to introduce students to library research and services throughout the semester. As students navigate information literacy, they will be prepared for college-level research and courses. Familiarizing students with the library will open a dialogue about library resources and introduce students to more reputable sources, helping them become efficient library users.

Good to Know

When planning your Information Literacy Scaffolding for your classroom, please consider the following:

  • Please provide a minimum of one week of preparation time for in-class library instruction sessions to ensure sufficient preparation time.
  • To schedule an instruction session, please click here.
  • Students are able to Book a Librarian to schedule a one-on-one session with a librarian for assistance with research, citations, and general library help.

Information Literacy Goals

We aim for students to be able to complete the following:

  • Find and access materials and resources

  • Distinguish different types of sources

  • Know what research tools would be appropriate for each assignment

  • Analyze/evaluate potential sources

  • Properly use and interpret citations


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Farren Benvenuti
she / her / hers
Abell Library 122

The Library Scaffolding Menu was adapted from and inspired by Dickinson College's Waidner-Spahr Library.

Austin College


©2023 Abell Library Center | Austin College, 900 N. Grand Avenue, Sherman, TX 75090-4400 | Phone: (903) 813-2236

Please direct comments or questions about this website to Andrew Smith.