Explora for High SchoolDesigned with students and educators in mind, Explora provides a safe, trustworthy environment for students to look up articles and facts for research papers, class projects or homework. A far better alternative to websites and search engines, Explora provides students with easy-to-use features and age-appropriate content from the world’s leading magazines and reference books. Available on school computers and from mobile devices, Explora offers all of the following:
High-quality articles licensed from reputable publishers, recognized by library professionals, and selected for use in a school environment
Simple search that quickly delivers relevant results, including primary source documents, news articles, and Associated Press videos
Easy-to-browse categories organized by popular topic
Topic Overviews that provide students with a starting point for research
Text-to-speech for HTML articles to assist struggling readers or those learning English
Numeric reading-level indicators to help students and teachers find grade-appropriate articles
No ads or pop-up windows
COPPA compliancy, meaning EBSCOdoes not ask for or require personal information to use its databases
Password-protected personal folders that allow students to save search results in a secure and organized holding area
Citation help, including the ability to export citation information to online bibliography generators such as EasyBib and NoodleTools