Light SwitchLightSwitch is an educational search tool developed at Middletown Thrall Library with the intent of helping online researchers improve their searches and information awareness. LightSwitch links you with some of the very best general and specific search engines in the world.
LightSwitch Search Tools seek to motivate you to contemplate every single aspect of your search:
which search terms you select or leave out
standardized words, names, or phrases which might benefit your searches
how you structure or logically group your searches
how advanced search techniques can improve your searches and overall research
the destination of your search terms - which search engine you choose
the quality and relevancy of the search results you receive
how your searches perform in various search engines
LightSwitch searches are not automated: you must think and construct your searches mindfully, drawing inspiration or ideas, if you wish, from keywords provided in LightSwitch's "enlightenment" section (which appears when you click the "+ enlighten your search" link)
It is our hope that you can use LightSwitch to enrich your searches and increase their specificity by adding standardized terms, subject headings, and otherwise challenging words and phrases (such as "onomatopoeia" or "quantum chromodynamics").
As different search engines produce a variety of search results, you are encouraged to see which search engines work best for each query. This is a major reason LightSwitch exists: to help you educate and expand your search techniques, to help you part with less effective research strategies, and to open your mind to other and possibly more appropriate search tools for any given search.
LightSwitch begins in a "General Topics" mode. You can quickly switch to other modes, such as Art or Astronomy, and incorporate related keywords, names, phrases, titles, and more into your searches. -- From the website; more info available at